Healthcare Claims

Helping you care for your patients.

We offer you and your patients a free service where the insurer is late in paying more than 28 days or if they terminate your patient’s treatment. All you or your client needs to do is fill out the attached conciliation form. We will lodge it for you and conduct a conciliation for you or your client at no charge. If the matter doesn’t get resolved at conciliation, we will take the matter to court or get the matter referred to an independent medical panel at no cost to you or your client. We can do in house professional development for you and your staff free of charge, topics such as report writing and what amounts can be charged for medical reports, certificates of capacity, return to work, rehabilitation, treatment options and dealing with WorkCover insurers and the TAC.

Issues we can help with include:

  • Debt collection for WorkCover matters.
  • Termination of medical expenses.
  • Termination of weekly payments.
  • Home and Car modifications for injured workers.

Why we are different from other lawyers

  • We don’t charge for medical disputes.
  • We don’t charge for out-of-pocket costs if your matter is unsuccessful.
  • We do home visits.

Download Request for Conciliation form here.

Speak to a Lawyer Now

Contact us today and speak to a Lawyer, not a legal assistant. We can discuss your case over the phone and let you know within minutes if we believe you have a case. Then we can arrange an appointment to discuss your case in more detail. Don't wait another day to get what you deserve.

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